Topic: Physics (ODE, Tokamak, newton)


Is there a way to use Tokamak or ODE with irrlicht.mod? If not, it would be awesome if you, gman, could make a wrapper for one. smile

Please Reply! smile

Re: Physics (ODE, Tokamak, newton)

greetings fellow Iowan smile  my sincere apologies on the delay.  my life has gotten pretty busy over the last couple years squeezing out time for my personal projects has become difficult to say the least.  I'm sure there is a way to use the physics engines with the Irrlicht mod although I do not have any examples.  when i look into the 1.8 update i will see if i can find any examples for you.

Re: Physics (ODE, Tokamak, newton)

Re: Physics (ODE, Tokamak, newton)

I'm wrapping Newton Game Dynamics (2.3.5 as this is the last stable release) for use with BlitzMax in general and the irrlicht mod in particular.
It was a bit tricky cause the newton documentation is outdated (stuff like missing parameters etc.)

Anyway, Im nearly done (let's say in a week or two) but I don't have a website. So gman would you upload the wrapper when I'm done? Otherwise I could create a googlecode or sourceforge project or whateever. But it fits quite well next to your other mods I think.
