Framework PUB.Newton
Import GG.IrrBMax
Import BRL.PNGLoader
Local device:T_irrIrrlichtDevice = T_irrIrrlichtDevice.create(EDT_OPENGL , T_irrDimension2d_s32.create(640 , 480) , 16 , False , False , False , 0)
Global driver:T_irrIVideoDriver = device.getVideoDriver()
Global smgr:T_IrrISceneManager = device.getSceneManager()
'Local Tex:T_irrITexture = driver.getTexture("brlLogo.png")
Local camera:T_irrICameraSceneNode = smgr.addCameraSceneNodeFPS()
camera.setRotation(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(0 , 0 , 0))
Local light:T_irrILightSceneNode = smgr.addLightSceneNode( 0 , T_irrVector3df.createfromVals(-20 , -40 , -30) , 100)
Global nWorld:Byte Ptr = newtonCreate(PhysicsAlloc , PhysicsFree)
Local Timer:Int = MilliSecs()
While (
newtonUpdate(nWorld , 0.001)
Timer = MilliSecs()
'NewtonBodyGetMatrix(box , Varptr Mat[0])
'T_irrSetMatrix(node , Mat)
driver.beginScene(True , True , T_irrSColor.createFromVals(0,200 , 200 , 200))
Rem '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''///////////////////////////////////// The Convertion Matrix Functions
T_irrGetMatrix is the function to get the matrix from the Irrlecht SceneNode And pass it
to an array to be used by Newton.
T_irrSetMatrix is the function to pass the Matrix from Newton to the Irrlicht SceneNode
Function T_irrGetMatrix(NSceneNode:T_irrISceneNode , NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
Local Euler:Float[3]
Euler[0] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getX() * (Pi / 180.0)
Euler[1] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getY() * (Pi / 180.0)
Euler[2] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getZ() * (Pi / 180.0)
NewtonSetEulerAngle(Varptr Euler[0] , Varptr newtonMat[0])
Newtonmat[12] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getX()
newtonMat[13] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getY()
NewtonMat[14] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getZ()
End Function
Function T_irrSetMatrix(NSceneNode:T_irrISceneNode , NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
Local Euler:Float[3]
NewtonGetEulerAngle(Varptr NewtonMat[0] , Varptr Euler[0])
NSceneNode.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(NewtonMat[12] , NewtonMat[13] , NewtonMat[14]))
NSceneNode.setRotation(T_irrVector3df.createfromVals(Euler[0] * (180 / Pi) , Euler[1] * (180 / Pi) , Euler[2] * (180 / Pi)))
End Function
End Rem
Function PhysicsAlloc:Byte Ptr(sizeInBytes:Int)
Return MemAlloc(sizeInBytes)
End Function
Function PhysicsFree( memptr:Byte Ptr, sizeInBytes:Int)
MemFree (memptr, sizeInBytes)
End Function
' set the tranformation of a rigid body
Function PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque (Body:Byte Ptr)
Local mass:Float
Local Ixx:Float
Local Iyy:Float
Local Izz:Float
NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (body,Varptr mass, Varptr Ixx, Varptr Iyy, Varptr Izz);
'Local force:Float[] = [0.0, -mass * 9.8 , 0.0]
' GG: messed with the mass multiplier to make it look like the tutorial. have no idea why this is different.
Local force:Float[] = [0.0, -mass * 410 , 0.0]
NewtonBodySetForce (body, Varptr force[0])
End Function
Function PhysicsSetTransform (body:Byte Ptr, NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
Local primitive:T_irrISceneNode
'// get the graphic Object form the rigid body
' GG: changed to recreate the scenenode based on the C++ object handle
primitive = T_irrISceneNode.CreateFromHandle(Int(newtonBodyGetUserData(body)),False)
'// set the transformation matrix For this rigid body
newtonBodyGetMatrix(body , Varptr NewtonMat[0])
T_irrSetMatrix(Primitive , Varptr NewtonMat[0])
End Function
Function PhysicsBodyDestructor(body:Byte Ptr)
Local primitive:T_irrISceneNode
'// get the graphic Object form the rigid body
' GG: changed to recreate the scenenode based on the C++ object handle
primitive = T_irrISceneNode.CreateFromHandle(Int(newtonBodyGetUserData(body)),False)
'// destroy the graphic Object
End Function
Function CleanUp ()
'// destroy the Newton world
NewtonDestroy (nWorld);
End Function
Function InitScene()
Global Texture:T_irrITexture = Driver.getTexture("doc/brllogo.png")
Global box:T_irrISceneNode
Global IFloor:T_irrISceneNode
Global boxBody:Byte Ptr
Global floorBody:Byte Ptr
Global collision:Byte Ptr
Global Mat:Float[16]
'// create the newton world
'// set the linear solver model For faster speed
NewtonSetSolverModel(nWorld, 8)
'// set the adpative friction model For faster speed
NewtonSetFrictionModel(nWorld, 1)
'// Set the termination Function
'atexit(CleanUp); '//// I Haven't Found The Apropriaty Function for Irrlicht
'// create the the Floor graphic objects
IFloor = smgr.addTestSceneNode(100 )
IFloor.setMaterialTexture(0 , texture)
IFloor.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(0,-100 , 0))
collision = newtonCreateBox(nWorld , 100.0 , 100.0 , 100.0 , Null)
FloorBody = newtonCreateBody(nWorld , collision)
'// set the transformation For this rigid body
T_irrGetMatrix(IFloor ,Varptr Mat[0])
NewtonBodySetMatrix(floorBody,Varptr Mat[0])
'// save the pointer To the graphic Object with the body.
' GG: changed to store the scenenode C++ object handle instead of a reference to the BMAX object with falls out of scope
NewtonBodySetUserData(floorBody,Byte Ptr(IFloor.handle))
'// set a destrutor For this rigid body
NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(floorBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);
'// set the initial size
'size = dVector(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); Not really nesesery(I think so)
'// create the collision
newtonReleaseCollision(nWorld , collision)
collision = NewtonCreateBox(nWorld, 0.5 , 0.5, 0.5 , Null)
Local location:Float[] = [0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0]
location[0] = -10.0 'FOR X
For Local k:Int = 0 To 9
location[2] = 0.0 'For Z
For Local J:Int = 0 To 9
location[1] = 2.0 'For Y
For Local i:Int = 0 To 9
box = smgr.addTestSceneNode(0.5)
box.SetMaterialTexture(0 , Texture)
box.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(location[0] ,location[1] , location[2]))
boxBody = newtonCreateBody(nWorld , collision)
' GG: changed to store the scenenode C++ object handle instead of a reference to the BMAX object with falls out of scope
newtonBodySetUserData(boxBody ,Byte Ptr(box.handle))
'// set a destrutor For this rigid body
NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(boxBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor)
'// set the tranform call back Function
NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(boxBody, PhysicsSetTransform)
'// set the force And torque call back funtion
NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(boxBody, PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque)
'// set the mass matrix
'//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (boxBody, 1.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f);
NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(boxBody, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
'// set the matrix For tboth the rigid nody And the graphic body
T_irrGetMatrix(box , Varptr Mat[0])
NewtonBodySetMatrix(boxBody,Varptr Mat[0])
PhysicsSetTransform(boxBody, Varptr Mat[0])
Location[1] :+ 0.5 * 2.0
Location[2] :- 0.5 * 4.0
location[0] :- 0.5 * 4.0
'// Release the collsion geometry when Not need it
NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, collision)