Topic: Irrlicht Mods and Newton (originally posted by Haramanai)

Framework PUB.Newton
Import GG.IrrBMax
Import BRL.PNGLoader

Local device:T_irrIrrlichtDevice = T_irrIrrlichtDevice.create(EDT_OPENGL , T_irrDimension2d_s32.create(640 , 480) , 16 , False , False , False , 0)
Global driver:T_irrIVideoDriver = device.getVideoDriver()
Global smgr:T_IrrISceneManager = device.getSceneManager() 
'Local Tex:T_irrITexture = driver.getTexture("brlLogo.png")
Local camera:T_irrICameraSceneNode = smgr.addCameraSceneNodeFPS()
camera.setRotation(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(0 , 0 , 0))
Local light:T_irrILightSceneNode = smgr.addLightSceneNode( 0 , T_irrVector3df.createfromVals(-20 , -40 , -30) , 100)

Global nWorld:Byte Ptr = newtonCreate(PhysicsAlloc , PhysicsFree)

Local Timer:Int = MilliSecs()
While (
    newtonUpdate(nWorld , 0.001)
    Timer = MilliSecs()
    'NewtonBodyGetMatrix(box , Varptr Mat[0])
    'T_irrSetMatrix(node , Mat)
    driver.beginScene(True , True , T_irrSColor.createFromVals(0,200 , 200 , 200))

Rem '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/////////////////////////////////////   The Convertion Matrix Functions
        T_irrGetMatrix is the function to get the matrix from the Irrlecht SceneNode And pass it
    to an array to be used by Newton.
        T_irrSetMatrix is the function to pass the Matrix from Newton to the Irrlicht SceneNode
Function T_irrGetMatrix(NSceneNode:T_irrISceneNode , NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
    Local Euler:Float[3]
    Euler[0] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getX() * (Pi / 180.0)
    Euler[1] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getY() * (Pi / 180.0)
    Euler[2] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getZ() * (Pi / 180.0)
    NewtonSetEulerAngle(Varptr Euler[0] , Varptr newtonMat[0])
    Newtonmat[12] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getX()
    newtonMat[13] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getY()
    NewtonMat[14] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getZ()    
End Function
Function T_irrSetMatrix(NSceneNode:T_irrISceneNode , NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
    Local Euler:Float[3]
    NewtonGetEulerAngle(Varptr NewtonMat[0] , Varptr Euler[0])
    NSceneNode.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(NewtonMat[12] , NewtonMat[13] , NewtonMat[14]))
    NSceneNode.setRotation(T_irrVector3df.createfromVals(Euler[0] * (180 / Pi) , Euler[1] * (180 / Pi) , Euler[2] * (180 / Pi)))
End Function
                    THE FUNCTIONS FROM TUTORIAL 2
End Rem
Function    PhysicsAlloc:Byte Ptr(sizeInBytes:Int)
    Return MemAlloc(sizeInBytes)
End Function
Function    PhysicsFree( memptr:Byte Ptr, sizeInBytes:Int)
    MemFree (memptr, sizeInBytes)
End Function
' set the tranformation of a rigid body
Function  PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque (Body:Byte Ptr)
    Local mass:Float
    Local Ixx:Float
    Local Iyy:Float
    Local Izz:Float
    NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (body,Varptr mass, Varptr Ixx, Varptr Iyy, Varptr Izz);
    'Local force:Float[] =  [0.0, -mass * 9.8 , 0.0]
    ' GG: messed with the mass multiplier to make it look like the tutorial.  have no idea why this is different.
    Local force:Float[] =  [0.0, -mass * 410 , 0.0]
    NewtonBodySetForce (body, Varptr force[0])
End Function
Function  PhysicsSetTransform (body:Byte Ptr, NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
    Local primitive:T_irrISceneNode
    '// get the graphic Object form the rigid body
    ' GG: changed to recreate the scenenode based on the C++ object handle
    primitive = T_irrISceneNode.CreateFromHandle(Int(newtonBodyGetUserData(body)),False)
    '// set the transformation matrix For this rigid body
    newtonBodyGetMatrix(body , Varptr NewtonMat[0])
    T_irrSetMatrix(Primitive , Varptr NewtonMat[0])
End Function
Function PhysicsBodyDestructor(body:Byte Ptr)
    Local primitive:T_irrISceneNode
    '// get the graphic Object form the rigid body
    ' GG: changed to recreate the scenenode based on the C++ object handle
    primitive = T_irrISceneNode.CreateFromHandle(Int(newtonBodyGetUserData(body)),False)
    '// destroy the graphic Object
End Function
Function CleanUp ()
    '// destroy the Newton world
    NewtonDestroy (nWorld);
End Function
Function InitScene()
    Global Texture:T_irrITexture = Driver.getTexture("doc/brllogo.png") 
    Global box:T_irrISceneNode
    Global IFloor:T_irrISceneNode
    Global boxBody:Byte Ptr
    Global floorBody:Byte Ptr
    Global collision:Byte Ptr
    Global Mat:Float[16]
    '// create the newton world
    '// set the linear solver model For faster speed 
    NewtonSetSolverModel(nWorld, 8)
    '// set the adpative friction model For faster speed 
    NewtonSetFrictionModel(nWorld, 1)
    '// Set the termination Function
    'atexit(CleanUp);   '//// I Haven't Found The Apropriaty Function for Irrlicht
    '// create the the Floor graphic objects
    IFloor = smgr.addTestSceneNode(100 )
    IFloor.setMaterialTexture(0 , texture)
    IFloor.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(0,-100 , 0))
    collision = newtonCreateBox(nWorld , 100.0 , 100.0 , 100.0 , Null)
    FloorBody = newtonCreateBody(nWorld , collision)
    '// set the transformation For this rigid body
    T_irrGetMatrix(IFloor ,Varptr Mat[0])
    NewtonBodySetMatrix(floorBody,Varptr Mat[0])
    '// save the pointer To the graphic Object with the body.
    ' GG: changed to store the scenenode C++ object handle instead of a reference to the BMAX object with falls out of scope
    NewtonBodySetUserData(floorBody,Byte Ptr(IFloor.handle))
    '// set a destrutor For this rigid body
    NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(floorBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);
    '// set the initial size
    'size = dVector(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);    Not really nesesery(I think so)
    '// create the collision 
    newtonReleaseCollision(nWorld , collision)
    collision = NewtonCreateBox(nWorld, 0.5 , 0.5, 0.5 , Null) 
    Local location:Float[] = [0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0]
    location[0] = -10.0   'FOR  X
    For Local k:Int = 0 To 9
        location[2] = 0.0    'For Z
        For Local J:Int = 0 To 9
            location[1] = 2.0    'For Y
            For Local i:Int = 0  To 9
                box = smgr.addTestSceneNode(0.5)
                box.SetMaterialTexture(0 , Texture)
                box.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(location[0] ,location[1] , location[2]))
                boxBody = newtonCreateBody(nWorld , collision)                
                ' GG: changed to store the scenenode C++ object handle instead of a reference to the BMAX object with falls out of scope
                newtonBodySetUserData(boxBody ,Byte Ptr(box.handle))        
                '// set a destrutor For this rigid body
                NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(boxBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor)
                '// set the tranform call back Function
                NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(boxBody, PhysicsSetTransform)
                '// set the force And torque call back funtion
                NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(boxBody, PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque)
                '// set the mass matrix
                '//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (boxBody, 1.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f  / 6.0f);
                NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(boxBody, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)                
                '// set the matrix For tboth the rigid nody And the graphic body
                T_irrGetMatrix(box , Varptr Mat[0])
                NewtonBodySetMatrix(boxBody,Varptr Mat[0])
                PhysicsSetTransform(boxBody, Varptr Mat[0])
                Location[1] :+ 0.5 * 2.0
            Location[2] :- 0.5 * 4.0     
        location[0] :- 0.5 * 4.0 
    '// Release the collsion geometry when Not need it
    NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, collision)


Re: Irrlicht Mods and Newton (originally posted by Haramanai)

Is this still working?:)
I also made a function If you look in the original post that loads the triangles of a map in the newton cillision tree. Worth to have a look. Also I had made some trying with the materials and found a way to trick them and pass them in the ggirrlicht.
What I am trying to say is that ggirrlicht and newton mod can work together but I have to warn you that newton it's too complicated and needs lot of code to make it work.

P.S. gman you are the best!

Re: Irrlicht Mods and Newton (originally posted by Haramanai)

I'm having trouble getting this example to compile out of the box...

Using the newest Irrlicht wrapper, and all gg.IrrBMax examples compile fine.
However, for this one I am getting:

BlitzMax Application
Compile Error
 Unable to convert from 'Int' to 'T_irrIEventReceiver'

Error is on line 6:

Local device:T_irrIrrlichtDevice = T_irrIrrlichtDevice.create(EDT_OPENGL , T_irrDimension2d_s32.create(640 , 480) , 16 , False , False , False , 0)

I have the Newton module, so is it reasonable to guess that the problem here has something to do with the example's use of a different Irrlicht module?

Do you have similar troubles, or is it just me?
Can anyone help?


Re: Irrlicht Mods and Newton (originally posted by Haramanai)

greetings smile  change that last 0 to a Null and try again.

5 (edited by Mr. Picklesworth 2006-06-14 20:25:24)

Re: Irrlicht Mods and Newton (originally posted by Haramanai)


Okay, I'm a bit new to all this (haven't done anything in BM for quite some time)...


Framework PUB.Newton
Import GG.IrrBMax
Import BRL.PNGLoader

Local device:T_irrIrrlichtDevice = T_irrIrrlichtDevice.create(EDT_OPENGL , T_irrDimension2d_s32.create(640 , 480) , 16 , False , False , False , Null)
Global driver:T_irrIVideoDriver = device.getVideoDriver()
Global smgr:T_IrrISceneManager = device.getSceneManager() 
'Local Tex:T_irrITexture = driver.getTexture("brlLogo.png")
Local camera:T_irrICameraSceneNode = smgr.addCameraSceneNodeFPS()
camera.setRotation(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(0 , 0 , 0))
Local light:T_irrILightSceneNode = smgr.addLightSceneNode( Null , T_irrVector3df.createfromVals(-20 , -40 , -30), Null)

Global nWorld:Byte Ptr = newtonCreate(PhysicsAlloc , PhysicsFree)

Local Timer:Int = MilliSecs()
While (
    newtonUpdate(nWorld , 0.001)
    Timer = MilliSecs()
    'NewtonBodyGetMatrix(box , Varptr Mat[0])
    'T_irrSetMatrix(node , Mat)
    driver.beginScene(True , True , T_irrSColor.createFromVals(0,200 , 200 , 200))

Rem '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/////////////////////////////////////   The Convertion Matrix Functions
        T_irrGetMatrix is the function to get the matrix from the Irrlecht SceneNode And pass it
    to an array to be used by Newton.
        T_irrSetMatrix is the function to pass the Matrix from Newton to the Irrlicht SceneNode
Function T_irrGetMatrix(NSceneNode:T_irrISceneNode , NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
    Local Euler:Float[3]
    Euler[0] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getX() * (Pi / 180.0)
    Euler[1] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getY() * (Pi / 180.0)
    Euler[2] = NSceneNode.getRotation().getZ() * (Pi / 180.0)
    NewtonSetEulerAngle(Varptr Euler[0] , Varptr newtonMat[0])
    Newtonmat[12] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getX()
    newtonMat[13] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getY()
    NewtonMat[14] = NSceneNode.getPosition().getZ()    
End Function
Function T_irrSetMatrix(NSceneNode:T_irrISceneNode , NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
    Local Euler:Float[3]
    NewtonGetEulerAngle(Varptr NewtonMat[0] , Varptr Euler[0])
    NSceneNode.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(NewtonMat[12] , NewtonMat[13] , NewtonMat[14]))
    NSceneNode.setRotation(T_irrVector3df.createfromVals(Euler[0] * (180 / Pi) , Euler[1] * (180 / Pi) , Euler[2] * (180 / Pi)))
End Function
                    THE FUNCTIONS FROM TUTORIAL 2
End Rem
Function    PhysicsAlloc:Byte Ptr(sizeInBytes:Int)
    Return MemAlloc(sizeInBytes)
End Function
Function    PhysicsFree( memptr:Byte Ptr, sizeInBytes:Int)
    MemFree (memptr)
End Function
' set the tranformation of a rigid body
Function  PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque (Body:Byte Ptr)
    Local mass:Float
    Local Ixx:Float
    Local Iyy:Float
    Local Izz:Float
    NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (body,Varptr mass, Varptr Ixx, Varptr Iyy, Varptr Izz);
    'Local force:Float[] =  [0.0, -mass * 9.8 , 0.0]
    ' GG: messed with the mass multiplier to make it look like the tutorial.  have no idea why this is different.
    Local force:Float[] =  [0.0, -mass * 410 , 0.0]
    NewtonBodySetForce (body, Varptr force[0])
End Function
Function  PhysicsSetTransform (body:Byte Ptr, NewtonMat:Float Ptr)
    Local primitive:T_irrISceneNode
    '// get the graphic Object form the rigid body
    ' GG: changed to recreate the scenenode based on the C++ object handle
    primitive = T_irrISceneNode.CreateFromHandle(Int(newtonBodyGetUserData(body)),False)
    '// set the transformation matrix For this rigid body
    newtonBodyGetMatrix(body , Varptr NewtonMat[0])
    T_irrSetMatrix(Primitive , Varptr NewtonMat[0])
End Function
Function PhysicsBodyDestructor(body:Byte Ptr)
    Local primitive:T_irrISceneNode
    '// get the graphic Object form the rigid body
    ' GG: changed to recreate the scenenode based on the C++ object handle
    primitive = T_irrISceneNode.CreateFromHandle(Int(newtonBodyGetUserData(body)),False)
    '// destroy the graphic Object
End Function
Function CleanUp ()
    '// destroy the Newton world
    NewtonDestroy (nWorld);
End Function
Function InitScene()
    Global Texture:T_irrITexture = Driver.getTexture("doc/brllogo.png") 
    Global box:T_irrISceneNode
    Global IFloor:T_irrISceneNode
    Global boxBody:Byte Ptr
    Global floorBody:Byte Ptr
    Global collision:Byte Ptr
    Global Mat:Float[16]
    '// create the newton world
    '// set the linear solver model For faster speed 
    NewtonSetSolverModel(nWorld, 8)
    '// set the adpative friction model For faster speed 
    NewtonSetFrictionModel(nWorld, 1)
    '// Set the termination Function
    'atexit(CleanUp);   '//// I Haven't Found The Apropriaty Function for Irrlicht
    '// create the the Floor graphic objects
    IFloor = smgr.addTestSceneNode(100 )
    IFloor.setMaterialTexture(0 , texture)
    IFloor.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(0,-100 , 0))
    collision = newtonCreateBox(nWorld , 100.0 , 100.0 , 100.0 , Null)
    FloorBody = newtonCreateBody(nWorld , collision)
    '// set the transformation For this rigid body
    T_irrGetMatrix(IFloor ,Varptr Mat[0])
    NewtonBodySetMatrix(floorBody,Varptr Mat[0])
    '// save the pointer To the graphic Object with the body.
    ' GG: changed to store the scenenode C++ object handle instead of a reference to the BMAX object with falls out of scope
    NewtonBodySetUserData(floorBody,Byte Ptr(IFloor.handle))
    '// set a destrutor For this rigid body
    NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(floorBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);
    '// set the initial size
    'size = dVector(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);    Not really nesesery(I think so)
    '// create the collision 
    newtonReleaseCollision(nWorld , collision)
    collision = NewtonCreateBox(nWorld, 0.5 , 0.5, 0.5 , Null) 
    Local location:Float[] = [0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0]
    location[0] = -10.0   'FOR  X
    For Local k:Int = 0 To 9
        location[2] = 0.0    'For Z
        For Local J:Int = 0 To 9
            location[1] = 2.0    'For Y
            For Local i:Int = 0  To 9
                box = smgr.addTestSceneNode(0.5)
                box.SetMaterialTexture(0 , Texture)
                box.setPosition(T_irrVector3df.createFromVals(location[0] ,location[1] , location[2]))
                boxBody = newtonCreateBody(nWorld , collision)                
                ' GG: changed to store the scenenode C++ object handle instead of a reference to the BMAX object with falls out of scope
                newtonBodySetUserData(boxBody ,Byte Ptr(box.handle))        
                '// set a destrutor For this rigid body
                NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(boxBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor)
                '// set the tranform call back Function
                NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(boxBody, PhysicsSetTransform)
                '// set the force And torque call back funtion
                NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(boxBody, PhysicsApplyForceAndTorque)
                '// set the mass matrix
                '//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (boxBody, 1.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f  / 6.0f);
                NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(boxBody, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)                
                '// set the matrix For tboth the rigid nody And the graphic body
                T_irrGetMatrix(box , Varptr Mat[0])
                NewtonBodySetMatrix(boxBody,Varptr Mat[0])
                PhysicsSetTransform(boxBody, Varptr Mat[0])
                Location[1] :+ 0.5 * 2.0
            Location[2] :- 0.5 * 4.0     
        location[0] :- 0.5 * 4.0 
    '// Release the collsion geometry when Not need it
    NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, collision)


I'm guessing that there is a better solution to the last argument on this line, though:

Local light:T_irrILightSceneNode = smgr.addLightSceneNode( Null , T_irrVector3df.createfromVals(-20 , -40 , -30), Null)

(That last Null used to be 100...).

Also removed the last argument in MemFree... does Max remember how big the allocated block is automatically now?

Re: Irrlicht Mods and Newton (originally posted by Haramanai)

Has anybody a download-link for this newton mod, because the links I found were all invalid.