Topic: Transform problems

I have absolutely no idea what's wrong with these.  The turning ones don't work at all, and the position ones do some bizarre strafing thing around a point a ways in front, but then go in to a parabola type thing, can't quite tell from just moving the camera.  HELP!

Function RotateIrrNode(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,rotation:Vector3df)
    irrnode.setRotation rotation
    'Print "rotating node"
End Function

Function RotateIrrNodeVals(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,pitch#,yaw#,roll#)
    irrnode.setRotation _VECTOR3DF(pitch,yaw,roll)
    'Print "rotating node"
End Function

Function PositionIrrNode(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,position:Vector3df)
    irrnode.setPosition position
    'Print "positioning node"
End Function

Function PositionIrrNodeVals(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,x#,y#,z#)
    irrnode.setPosition _VECTOR3DF(x,y,z)
    'Print "positioning node"
End Function

Function TurnIrrNode(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,turn:Vector3df)
    Local vals#[4]
    turn.getAs4Values vals
    m.setRotationDegrees irrnode.getRotation()
    n.setRotationDegrees _VECTOR3DF(0,0,vals[2])
    t.setRotationDegrees _VECTOR3DF(vals[0],0,0)
    n.MultEq t
    t.setRotationDegrees _VECTOR3DF(0,vals[1],0)
    n.MultEq t; m.MultEq n
    irrnode.setRotation m.getRotationDegrees()
    'Print "turning node"
End Function

Function TurnIrrNodeVals(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,pitch#,yaw#,roll#)
    m.setRotationDegrees irrnode.getRotation()
    n.setRotationDegrees _VECTOR3DF(0,0,roll)
    t.setRotationDegrees _VECTOR3DF(pitch,0,0)
    n.MultEq t
    t.setRotationDegrees _VECTOR3DF(0,yaw,0)
    n.MultEq t; m.MultEq n
    irrnode.setRotation m.getRotationDegrees()
    'Print "turning node"
End Function

Function MoveIrrNode(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,move:Vector3df)
    irrnode.getRelativeTransformation().transformVect move
    irrnode.setPosition move
    'Print "moving node"
End Function

Function MoveIrrNodeVals(irrnode:ISceneNode Var,x#,y#,z#)
    irrnode.getRelativeTransformation().transformVect move
    irrnode.setPosition move
    'Print "moving node"
End Function
The only thing I like better than coffee and gaming is coding!  smile