Topic: newb seeks assistance
Forgive me, I new to BlitzMax and Irrlicht. Been at it only a few hours.
I am runnign BlitzMAX demo.
I am trying to run the gman demos, but get this error on compile
Building SpecialFX
flat assembler version 1.64
4 passes, 17134 bytes.
C:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrlicht.mod/irrlicht.debug.win32.a(irrlicht.bmx.debug.win32.o)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
C:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x2f): undefined reference to `__bb_blitz_blitz'
C:/Program Files/BlitzMaxDemo/mod/gg.mod/irrbmax.mod/irrbmax.debug.win32.a(irrbmax.bmx.debug.win32.o.b)(code+0x34): undefined reference to `__bb_basic_basic'
I have placed the DLLs and .a where they are s'posed to be.
If you're still with me I have further questions. The Blitz Websire has left me terribly confused.
I am looking for a tool for EASY 3d programming.
I have 4 requirements
Easy to create primiitives, somethinng liek CreateSphere(radius)
TCP Support
Particle effects support
Easy to create effects for the primtiives, liek Glow(primitive) makes the primitve make diffuse lighting
I'm not sure if Blitz3d or BlitzMAX is the way to go.
Blitsz3d is easy, but I'm not sure if it has TCP support, and there seem to be no native particle support.
BlitzMAX seems 2d Only, except with Addons such as this. However I am not sure how easy learning Irrlicht is...
Anotehr route is PyOGRE, but tha doesnt have easy primitive creation support.