Topic: Can't find interface for module 'gg._3impact' w/ BlitzmaxDemo
Sorry, if this is a dumb question,
but I thought I'd have a look at Blitzmax using the demo with the last 3impact version I have (, but keep getting that error message stated in the subject of this entry.
I actually started off with higher versions of _3impact.lib, but got like messages, only for the respective Framework entry. Reading this forum carefully, I found that I had to employ, but to no avail.
Of course, I followed the instructions carefully, and also took care to clean up before re-installing the _3impact lib with another version.
I even installed "Blitzmaxdemo" into a directory called "Blitzmax" for fear of possibly hardcoded paths.
No change.
So, what am I overlooking ?
Sky Captain
PS: Thank you for creating this forum,in the first place. It seems quite valuable to me, even though I am still pondering whether to buy Blitzmax.