Topic: texturewrap?
Hi, anyone know why texturewrap is "not found"?
b.getmaterial(0).gettexture(0).TextureWrap(0) =;
b.getmaterial(0).TextureWrap(0) =;
b.setMaterialFlag(ETC_CLAMP, true)
none of these work
Here is the whole thing:
Function createbackground:iscenenode()
Local b:ianimatedmeshscenenode=smgr.addanimatedMeshSceneNode( smgr.getMesh("media/bkgplanes.b3d") )
b.setposition (_vector3df(320,240,1000))
Local w=88
b.setMaterialFlag(EMF_TEXTURE_WRAP, True)
b.getmaterial(0).TextureWrap(0) =;
Return b
End Function
backplanes.b3d is a set of 4 welded quads in a row with 4 textures making up a scrolling background and i need to get rid of the ugly lines.
One more (unrelated) question, why cant i use meshscene node rather than animatedmeshscenenode when loading a b3d?