Topic: C++ or Bmax
Wasnt sure where to post this so forgive me if Im out of context.
My question is, im currently attending courses for c++ and in my spare time
Im at home constantly reading tuts and doing excersises in vc 2008 and borland c++ builderX.
Bmax and blitz3d has made me a lazy coder, they are just easy to use.
Would I be better off diving into irrclicht using a c++ compiler? are there
any specific advatnges from using a c++ developemnt versus the bmax IDE.
Obvisous answers are, bmax is easier, c++ is faster blah blah blah.
I just feel like im cheating myself using bmax while trainning for something else.
How much diffrent is irr to use in vc versus bmax etc.
Would you suggest a diffrent engine entirely?
Any advice appreciated. thanks.