Topic: A very little, embarassing question

Hello GMan,

i'm new to Irrlicht and your wrapper and at first I'd like to thank you for your great work.

I wanted to modify one of the Irrlicht examples ("07.Collision") in a way that it shows how much polys the level model has. I looked into the Documentation of the Irrlicht engine and found the following line:

virtual s32 irr::scene::IMeshManipulator::getPolyCount      (       IAnimatedMesh *        mesh       )        const [pure virtual]

After that, I looked into your Documentation and found the comand "getPolyCountFromAnimated". I guess I need this one, because in sample 07, the bsp Map is loaded as an animated mesh.
So I tried to implement this simple command into my code, but I always get an error. Could you give me the line I need to put in? I just need an Example how I can "convert" the information from the Irrlicht Documentation to your engine. I know, it's a very stupid question, and maybe it's just too late, but I don't get the solution for that...



Re: A very little, embarassing question

greetings Tim smile  you are on the right track in that because the getPolyCount() is an overloaded method and since BMAX doesnt support this i had to rename some methods.  you are using the correct method to get what you need.  you need an instance of IMeshManipulator though and that comes from ISceneManager.  so to get your poly count, you do:

in example 7, there is a line:

Local polycount:Int = smgr.getMeshManipulator().getPolyCountFromAnimated(q3levelmesh)
Print "polycount is: " + polycount

hope that helps smile

Re: A very little, embarassing question

Thank you, that's exactly what i was looking for smile

I always tried to get the MeshManipulator with


and I had the weirdest variants of that in my code. If I would post that, you would not believe your eyes big_smile

But now I'm starting to get the point of "how to read" the documentation. Now it's just training.

Thank you very very much smile

greetings from Germany,
