Topic: Mixing iB3D with Irrlicht / Animating models in iB3D?


is it possible to mix iB3D with normal underlying Irrlicht commands, such as if you wanted to play with the scene manager or add things otherwise not within iB3D

Also, Is there an ANIMATE command in iB3D? I see that there's a LoadAnimMesh but i can't find any way to play an animation...

Re: Mixing iB3D with Irrlicht / Animating models in iB3D?

greetings smile  my apologies on the delayed reply.  you can mix the two.  the ib3d_engine instance has the fields: device, smgr, driver, guienv, and recv.  using these you should be able to mix in any calls to base Irrlicht engine functionality.  also, all iB3D objects have fields representing their Irrlicht objects.  the MESH type for example has a field called "_mesh" which will give you access to the underlying Irrlicht mesh object.