Topic: SimpleTankController

enum direction {forward, reverse, stop};
public var parentToGround : boolean = false;                // automatically updates the parent to the object below to allow for moving objects to affect object
public var groundRayOffset : Vector3 =;        // adjust where the parentToGround ray is cast from
public var groundRayCastLength : float = 1.0;                // how far does the parentToGround ray cast
public var topSpeedForward : float = 3.0;                     // top speed of forward
public var topSpeedReverse : float = 1.0;                     // top speed of reverse
public var accelerationRate : float = 3;                     // rate at which top speed is reached
public var decelerationRate : float = 2;                     // rate at which speed is lost when not accelerating
public var brakingDecelerationRate : float = 4;                // rate at which speed is lost when braking (input opposite of current direction)
public var stoppedTurnRate : float = 2.0;                    // rate at which object turns when stopped
public var topSpeedForwardTurnRate : float = 1.0;            // rate at which object turns at top forward speed
public var topSpeedReverseTurnRate : float = 2.0;            // rate at which object turns at top reverse speed
public var gravity = 10.0;                                    // gravity for object
public var stickyThrottle : boolean = false;                 // true to disable loss of speed if no input is provided
public var stickyThrottleDelay : float = .35;                // delay between change of direction when sticky throttle is enabled
private var currentSpeed : float = 0.0;                     // stores current speed
private var currentTopSpeed : float = topSpeedForward;         // stores top speed of current direction
private var currentDirection : direction = direction.stop;     // stores current direction
private var isBraking : boolean = false;                     // true if input is braking
private var isAccelerating : boolean = false;                 // true if input is accelerating
private var stickyDelayCount : float = 9999.0;                // current sticky delay count
private var characterController : CharacterController;
function Start() {
    characterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
function FixedUpdate() {
    // direction to move this update
    var moveDirection : Vector3 =;
    // direction requested this update
    var requestedDirection : direction = direction.stop;
    if(characterController.isGrounded == true) {
        // simulate loss of turn rate at speed
        var currentTurnRate = Mathf.Lerp((currentDirection == direction.forward ? topSpeedForwardTurnRate : topSpeedReverseTurnRate), stoppedTurnRate, (1- (currentSpeed/currentTopSpeed)));        
        transform.eulerAngles.y += Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * currentTurnRate;
        // based on input, determine requested action
        if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0) { // requesting forward
            requestedDirection = direction.forward;
            isAccelerating = true;
        } else if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0) { // requesting reverse
            requestedDirection = direction.reverse;
            isAccelerating = true;
        } else {
            requestedDirection = currentDirection;
            isAccelerating = false;
        isBraking = false;
        if (currentDirection == direction.stop) { // engage new direction
            stickyDelayCount += Time.deltaTime;
            // if we are not sticky throttle or if we have hit the delay then change direction
            if (!stickyThrottle || stickyDelayCount > stickyThrottleDelay) {
                // make sure we can go in the requsted direction
                if (requestedDirection == direction.reverse && topSpeedReverse > 0 || 
                    requestedDirection == direction.forward && topSpeedForward > 0) {
                    currentDirection = requestedDirection;
        } else if (currentDirection != requestedDirection) { // requesting a change of direction, but not stopped so we are braking
            isBraking = true;
            isAccelerating = false;
        // setup top speeds and move direction
        if (currentDirection == direction.forward) {
            moveDirection = Vector3.forward;
            currentTopSpeed = topSpeedForward;
        } else if (currentDirection == direction.reverse) {
            moveDirection = (-1 * Vector3.forward);
            currentTopSpeed = topSpeedReverse;
        } else if (currentDirection == direction.stop) {
            moveDirection =;
        if (isAccelerating) {
            //if we havent hit top speed yet, accelerate
           if (currentSpeed < currentTopSpeed){ 
                currentSpeed += (accelerationRate * Time.deltaTime);     
        } else {
            // if we are not accelerating and still have some speed, decelerate
            if (currentSpeed > 0) {
                // adjust deceleration for braking and implement sticky throttle
                var currentDecelerationRate : float = (isBraking ? brakingDecelerationRate : (!stickyThrottle ? decelerationRate : 0));
                currentSpeed -= (currentDecelerationRate * Time.deltaTime);  
        // if our speed is below zero, stop and initialize
        if (currentSpeed < 0 || (currentSpeed == 0 && currentDirection != direction.stop)) {
        } else if (currentSpeed > currentTopSpeed) { // limit the speed to the current top speed
            currentSpeed = currentTopSpeed;
        moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
    // implement gravity so we can stay grounded
    moveDirection.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
    moveDirection.z = moveDirection.z * (Time.deltaTime * currentSpeed);
    moveDirection.x = moveDirection.x * (Time.deltaTime * currentSpeed);
    if (parentToGround) {
        var hit : RaycastHit;
        var down = transform.TransformDirection (-1 * Vector3.up);    
        // cast the bumper ray out from bottom and check to see if there is anything below
        if (Physics.Raycast (transform.TransformPoint(groundRayOffset), down, hit, groundRayCastLength)) {
            // clamp wanted position to hit position
            transform.parent = hit.transform;
        // if we are currently stopped, move just a tad to allow for collisions while parent is moving
        if (currentDirection == direction.stop) {
            characterController.SimpleMove(transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * 0.000000000001);        
function GetCurrentSpeed() {
    return currentSpeed;
function GetCurrentTopSpeed() {
    return currentTopSpeed;
function GetCurrentDirection() {
    return currentDirection;
function GetIsBraking() {
    return isBraking;
function GetIsAccelerating() {
    return isAccelerating;
function SetStopped() {
    currentSpeed = 0;
    currentDirection = direction.stop;
    isAccelerating = false;
    isBraking = false;
    stickyDelayCount = 0;
@script RequireComponent(CharacterController)