Topic: Mac - help with firmware upgrade
i hate to ask this, but heres my plight. i need to upgrade the firmware on my new/used Mac. it came with 10.0.2 installed (of which i upgraded to 10.0.4) and no disks. i purchased official OS 10.3 to install on it, but 10.3 wont install until i upgrade the firmware. i cant upgrade the firmware though, unless i have classic installed. since i dont have classic installed and i dont have the original 10.0 disks, then i cant install the firmware. so... im in a bind unless i want to fork up $35 for OS9 and more time waiting. i have read though, that if i copy an OS9 system folder to the Mac HD, then i can run the firmware update. so... would someone be willing to "lend" me an OS9 system folder that i can copy onto my Mac so that i can update the firmware? or, does any knowledable Mac user out there know a better answer for me?
thank you.