Topic: DirectX 9 Stopped working
As Serge Petrowski Posted I too have never been able to get DX8 to work, but all the other did. Now since the update DX9 also has stopped, Both with "Unhandled Exception:Unhandled memory Exception Error" in irrlichtdevice.bmx at the return of Create
Type IrrlichtDevice Extends IUnknown Final
Function Create:IrrlichtDevice(driver:Int,Size:Dimension2di,bits:Int=16,bFullscreen:Int=False,bStencilbuffer:Int=False,bVsync:Int=False,evt:IEventReceiver=Null)
If evt=Null Then evt=New IEventReceiver ' set handle to 0
------------> Return createFromHandle(Irr_createDevice(driver,Size.handle,bits,bFullscreen,bStencilbuffer,bVsync,evt.handle))
This is just useing the demos under Bmax 1.24