greetings almost had it. a couple of issues. first, you need to create an instance of Matrix4:
Local orhtomatrix:Matrix4=Matrix4.create()
when using Irrlicht methods you need to use the internal fields holding the Irrlicht type. each ib3d type has an internal field holding reference to the Irrlicht type. in the case of your code it would be:
here is the cameraprojmode method. until the release you will need to convert this to a function and pass an instance of CAMERA.
Method ProjMode(mode:Int=1)
Select mode
Case 0 ' disable the camera
Case 1
_cam.setFOV(_cam.getFOV()) ' reset the projection matrix
Case 2 ' orthogonal
' code by vitek. from
' build your matrix
Local orthoProjection:Matrix4=Matrix4.Create()
orthoProjection.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(50.0, 37.5, 0.0, 200.0)
' tell the camera To use your projection matrix
' set flag in camera saying that this is an ortho projection
also please note that camerazoom is hosed. i have confirmed the above method code is working, just need to get that zoom fixed.
also will probably need to make the parameters to buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH controllable.