Topic: MacOS soon!

Re: MacOS soon!

I have a Mac and am a developer, so might be able to help you with this one, depending on the work involved.

Re: MacOS soon!

wow that would be much appreciated AaronK smile  as long as the Irrlicht distro includes the libirrlicht.a file for MacOS, it would more than likely entail making sure the BlitzMax compile works and runs.  due to the decent interface/implementation seperation Irrlicht has, when i port the new version with MacOS supported it shouldnt be too much of a change to the existing codebase as far as BlitzMax is concerned.  now if the .a file is not included that is a different story.  then we need to actually compile Irrlicht itself on the Mac to get the .a and then move on to BlitzMax.  in any case, when the Mac distro comes out and i have time to do my implementation analysis i will let you know.  thanks again for the offer smile

Re: MacOS soon!

Mac version is out! Hope it's not a massive task for you to get it working.

Re: MacOS soon!

groovy smile  looking now.  all my other projects will be on hold until this is done so (without looking at it yet) i would expect within a week.  after my initial analysis i will give a better estimate.  thx for letting me know!

Re: MacOS soon!

Re: MacOS soon!

Good work. Unfortunately I don't have a Mac so can't test it. Maybe you could post a topic about it on

Re: MacOS soon!

just by luck of the draw, my Mac is arriving today (Valentines Day) so i will not be able to get to it until tomorrow.  FedEx does say its on the truck for delivery and i have plenty of time Wed and Thurs so if all goes well, by this weekend you Mac folk will have a new toy to play with smile

Re: MacOS soon!

Re: MacOS soon!

ooooh baby!  this is really gonna help me out.  thx a bunch!

Re: MacOS soon!

Any news about the Macversion? Please sad

Re: MacOS soon!

Import "libIrrlicht.a"

13 (edited by gman 2006-02-22 12:19:04)

Re: MacOS soon!

14 (edited by whogben 2006-02-26 02:40:44)

Re: MacOS soon!

Re: MacOS soon!

i would like to try that file out Will if you wouldnt mind zipping it up and emailing it to me.  also, were you able to use the Xcode project provided by the Irrlicht distribution or did you make a new one?  im looking for directions on how to make a new project in Xcode 1.5.  i gave it a couple of tries but failed miserably sad

Re: MacOS soon!

Re: MacOS soon!

Re: MacOS soon!

Re: MacOS soon!

thx will smile  unfortunately it will be several hours before i can try it out sad  like around 13 hours...

Re: MacOS soon!

aaaargh!  it was a no-go Will sad  i get the same malformed object error.  could you try the GCC 3.3 compile?

21 (edited by whogben 2006-02-28 12:40:42)

Re: MacOS soon!

The GCC option wasn't there, so I added it but I can't be sure it added right - anyway, I set it to 3.3 and on build it gave me 53 errors, most of which were "error: template with C linkage.

WIthout the GCC set to 3.3 it built fine - and with the GCC option set to 4.0 it also built fine.

PS: With deployment target set to 10.1 and GCC set to 3.3 it failed to build in the same manner.

Are we waiting / hoping that your new computer might be a solution, or all we all out of ideas atm?

Re: MacOS soon!

Are we waiting / hoping that your new computer might be a solution, or all we all out of ideas atm?

Re: MacOS soon!

currently i have exhausted all options except rebuilding the project in Xcode 1.5.  i failed the first time i tried last week and havent done so since.  if i could get past the goofy malformed object errors im pretty sure i could get it working.

Re: MacOS soon!

Any gprogress?

Re: MacOS soon!

i have rebuilt the project in Xcode 1.5 and with a few minor changes to the code i was able to get it to compile.  it seems a bit small at 800K so im not sure im including everything...  but hey!  it compiles smile  unfortunately though it is not recognizing the createDevice() function that takes the IrrlichtParameters instance.  when linking it fails with an error saying it cant find it.  this is puzzling since i know it compiled the CPP file that would have that function in there and the function declaration is in a different location but there as well.  it should all be found.  anyways, thats where im at.  a little but further, but still a no-go.