I've got problems compiling. Since updating to the latest version of 3impact mod I'm getting the following error.
C:/Applications/Coding Apps/BlitzMax/bin/ld.exe: cannot find C:/Applications/Coding Apps/BlitzMax/mod/_3impact.mod/libs/libdll3impactd.a
I've got the dll's, as instructed in the chm help file, in system32 and in the directory where my game is. The .a files have both been moved "libdll3impact.a and libdll3impactd.a" in the lib folder under the _3impact.lib folder. This is in my mod folder.
I've noticed that it shows that it is looking for the .a files, when compiling, in a "libs" folder and not a "lib" folder as is in the mod folder. When changing the folder to "libs" I get a whole host of other errors.
I've tried building modules and a fresh install of blitzmax.
Any help would be appreciated.